Heal 3x3
Sponsor your own square
of land for rewilding
For £20, you can sponsor a 3 x 3 metre square of land for us to bring back to life through rewilding
There are three ways to sponsor a square...

From £20

Gift a square
From £20

A square for life
From £100
How does Heal 3x3 work?

You chose how many squares you'd like to sponsor

We'll randomly allocate you a square in our rewilding site

We'll tell you the what3words address for your square(s)
You can then visit to see the square we're rewilding in your name

All of our Heal 3x3 squares are currently located at our foundation rewilding site, Heal Somerset.
As we acquire more sites, this will change and you will be given the option to chose which site you'd like to sponsor a square in.
Our second site will be in the North of England and we plan to start our search for a suitable landholding in 2025!
This is the gorgeous illustration of a rewilded Heal 3x3 created for Heal by rewilding artist Jeroen Helmer.
We gave him a list of lots of species that thrive in the English lowlands, where we plan to buy our rewilding sites.
How many species you can count?

How long will the sponsorship last?
The £20 sponsorship fee helps us to acquire the land.
Your sponsorship will last for a year and will continue for as long as you're happy to pay the small annual upkeep fee of £3.
The upkeep fee helps us to safeguard the land in the long-term. It will fund essential maintenance costs such as veterinary fees for free-roaming animals and the maintenance of fences, paths and gates.
We'll be in touch before the year is up to give you the chance to renew your sponsorship.
Full terms and conditions can be found here.

We hope, one day, that you'll come and visit the new rewilding site you've helped us to create!
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