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 Employee Square Schemes 

Heal's novel and affordable Employee Square Schemes give employees a real connection to a wild place and a way to help nature and the climate while at work.


The schemes enable organisations to sponsor a Heal 3x3 square for £20 in the name of an employee. Each square will be in our foundation rewilding site, Heal Somerset, and employees will be able to visit the site in person or virtually.


There are schemes that cover all employees, rewards, long service, birthdays and employee matching, and we can design a custom scheme

Please use the form below to provide us with initial details of a potential Employee Square Scheme for your organisation. We will then arrange a call to talk it through.


If you want to speak to us, please call 020 3355 2149 or email us with any questions about the form or the Schemes.

Setting up your Employee Square Scheme
Everyone we work with is special to us, so we’re serious about making sure we’re right for each other. For instance, our Trustees help make sure there is alignment of values and we also consult our Heal Future Panel. We want to evaluate whether you have a meaningful commitment to environmental and sustainability goals, can already demonstrate change, or are on a journey of change. And we use leading ESG assessment experts and rankings to inform our view.
When we get the following details from you, we’ll ask for a call to run through your questions/preferences.
Which scheme(s) are of interest?
When an employee leaves, you will:

Please note that a small administration fee of £10 will apply to each change of square allocation details unless we have agreed an annual administration with you as part of a scheme

The Heal 3x3 Terms and Conditions are here.

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