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Biodiversity net gain

What is Biodiversity net gain (BNG)? 

Biodiversity net gain is a law which makes sure development, like building houses or roads, has a measurably positive impact on biodiversity. The law states that developers are required to deliver a minimum BNG of 10%. To do this, they must make sure there is more and/or better quality natural habitat than there was before development. If they are unable to achieve this on their site, they can do so off-site on someone else's land by buying biodiversity units. 


You can read more about BNG here


What does BNG mean for Heal? 

For us, BNG is a funding opportunity. As a landowner dedicated to nature-recovery, we can become a 'biodiversity gain site' and be paid by developers for our rewilding work. The Heal Somerset site has a huge supply of units - over 600 - and we are now pursuing several pathways to developing a BNG income stream. If it proves to be a solid income stream, we can incorporate it into our blueprint for future sites.

Our offer

Paragraph about selling points? Why choose ours over others

Biodiversity uplift through rewilding

x biodiversity units available

Available to x (location based?)

If you'd be interested in purchasing our biodiversity credits, please contact us at

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